Early Irish Culture and Society | Online Course
Children and Fosterage
This lesson will delve into the importance of child-rearing in early Irish society and examine the two primary legal manuscripts dealing with children, as well as the legal status of children based on their primary guardians.
Through this lesson, you will gain an understanding of the vital role played by the wider fine or ‘family units’ and the whole community in educating young people with honour and respect for local customs and history, as well as the custom of fosterage in early Irish society.
Lesson Outcomes:
- Recognize the role of the family and tribe in early Irish society and the key features of the tribal system.
- Understand the significance of kinship and how land use defined the social, economic, and political structures.
- Discuss the election of chieftains and the principles of eligibility in the early Irish system.
- Explain the importance of child-rearing, the legal status of children, and the custom of fosterage in early Irish society.
Additional Materials: