Early Irish Culture and Society | Online Course
Ancient Royal Sites of Ireland
In this lesson, we will be exploring the ancient royal sites of Ireland and their significance in early Irish society. We will learn about the religious and civil significance of these sites and how they were used for ceremonies and as seats of power. Additionally, we will examine the history and legends associated with six significant ancient royal sites: Cashel, Navan Fort, Knockaulin, Carnfree, the Hill of Tara, and Uisneach.
Lesson Outcomes:
- Understand the significance of the ancient royal sites in early Irish society
- Examine the religious and civil significance of these sites
- Explore the legends and history associated with six significant ancient royal sites in Ireland
- Discuss the importance of these sites as seats of power and centers of ceremony
- Understand the connection between these ancient royal sites and Gaelic goddesses and kingship in early Irish society