Kindling The Flames of Irish Tradition: Discovering the Eternal Secrets of Uisneach Hill and the Bealtaine Fire Festival

Nestled in the heart of Ireland's ancient landscape, the Hill of Uisneach stands as a testament to the country's rich history and cultural heritage. Often referred to as the navel…

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The Triple Judgements of The Freemen | Poetic Wisdom of the Irish Triads

The significance of the number three to the early Irish is evident in the literature, mythology, and laws of early Ireland, which abounds in triplets and triads. There are three triple-goddess personifications of sovereignty and of Ireland; the triple forms of the Morrรญgan and the motif of the threefold death; as well as the three-leaved shamrock Saint Patrick used to teach the native Irish of the 5th century about the Holy Trinity. This article explores the concept of "three" in Irish history, mythology, and belief.

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10 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Irish Pubs

Travel anywhere in the world and you're bound to find one. The Irish Pub is a landmark of every city and always a good place to find craic agus ceoil as all who flock there go for good company, a friendly atmosphere, music, and a decent pint. But here are 10 things you probably do not know about Irish pubs from the book Have Ye No Homes To Go To? The History of the Irish Pub, by Kevin Martin.

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